It was our party but we gave out the presents. Last night at the one year celebration of #WorkoutKBX, the good folks at BAUEWYK allowed us to debut Avenue’s latest video “Party’s Over (Ringing Off)” a full 24 hours before it hit the internets. Along with the video we got a chance to hear some selections from Ave’s upcoming project Mass Ave & Lennox (#AveMAAL)
In a world where the Net has helped to scramble everyone’s sound, the Boston native has a distinct musical approach. Shattering preconceived notions of his hometown, the young rapper takes you to a different side of Boston. Built on the beautiful ugly of production duo Cooking To Kill, “Party’s Over” has a classic energy without being dated. This is the work of a young guy who grew up on a healthy diet of Juelz Santana and Rocafella Record samples. Directed by FTB, with cinematographer Jose Rodriguez, uses the shadows to capture the rawness of the South End MC’s vision perfectly. The black and white clip is appropriate for his somber tale of out of town trips and penitentiary chances.
Hit play and enjoy the difference.