LZRS TXN Drop Dope Animated Visuals For “The Russians Are Coming”


Hip Hop duo LZRS TXN are the perfect marriage of imaginative production and lyrical prowess. They breathed life into the chill wave movement with their 2015 album Side A and followed that up with the equally satisfying Side B. The group just dropped some unique visuals for “The Russians Are Coming”, a track from Side B- the music video is the epitome of why LZRS TXN are on the come up for their artistic originality.

The opening lines of the track “summer night, white linen dinner coat” instantly build an image of a warm, casual night on the town. There isn’t much information about the visuals, specifically on whether the animation is original or sampled from older footage. If the footage is sampled, LZRS TXN did a hell of a job matching up the storyline from the track to the animation. The video perfectly conceptualizes LZRS TXN’s story as they take us from a budding romance to a gory killer showdown when the “Russians are coming”. The languid animation really matches J the S’s effortlessly breezy flow and Evil Earn’s dreamy synths.

Check out the music video below and make sure to keep up to date with LZRS TXN via their SoundCloud and Facebook. Here’s to hoping that LZRS TXN blesses us here on the East Coast with some live performances soon!