KBX is always looking for that content that makes you do a double take- you know the videos and songs you have to watch over and over again to fully absorb everything? Haasan Barclay gave us that when his debut album Heaven Is Your Last Dream touched down back in March. Now Barclay has done it again with new visuals for his track “Get You, Right?”
The song itself is an ode to love lost, led by echoing guitar chords propped up by a beat laid down on a drum pad. The video is both a compliment and a contrast to the melancholy of the track. Liv Slaughter, Barclay’s partner in crime, directed the video and brings us on a bright and slightly psychedelic exploration of both Barclay and various Boston landscapes.
Even though the different backdrops in the video are mainly urban and familiar to Beantown residents, they look entirely different through Slaughter’s lens as she renders these spaces ethereal, magical landscapes. The varied angle shots and the myriad of other special holographic and color inversion affects all pair together for a effervescent experience that leaves a tingle behind your eyelids.
Check out the video for “Get You, Right?” below. Keep up to date with Haasan Barclay via his Facebook page and Soundcloud.