Someone at Universal is definitely going for a drink after work this week. First the Hip Hop blogosphere finds out about the blogs they alledgedly viewed as “piracy sites”. Then Drake blasts them on Twitter for taking down the songs he released via his blog for fans. Drake had the Net’s ear when “Marvin’s Room” and “Trust Issues” started to make the rounds. Artists like Jojo and Teyanna Taylor started making their own versions of his work. The buzz for his project was on the way. It will be interesting to see what effect the back and forth with the label will have. The whole affair just gives a window into the tangled music world of today. Many times blogs are at odds with the same labels and artists that gave them the music in the first place. In any event its a complex situation that wont get solved anytime soon. In the meantime Fader Magazine caught up with him Tuesday and he let them know his new single is on the way with in a week or two.