“Champagnepapi” took to Instagram yesterday to give his fans an update on the next upcoming months. His first post fired off was in respect to “Views From The 6”, which will drop this upcoming Friday. The album artwork posted almost seems like a poster for a blockbuster film. The gloomy clouds encroach the top of the CN tower while the sun sneaks away, and the massive structure really pops up at us. But as we squint and scan the image we come across a photoshopped Drake sitting on top of the tower wearing a heavy, fur coat.
Twitter went in but as Drake went onto announce OVO Fest, the attention deterred. The flyer for the seventh annual OVOFest advertised through IG features an OVO Bounce, Snoop and Wiz’s High Road Tour, and the appearance from the Summer Sixteen Tour. The next subsequent posts would explain the Summer Sixteen tour as a Drake & Future show touching over 30 different cities.
Seeing Drake and Future come together is nothing new, but being that Future is as big now as he’s ever been, means that this tour will be monumental. Tickets go on sale this Friday, and don’t get caught up listening to Views or you might have to suffer through the journey of resale.