Combat Jack Show – Rza (@Rza) x Melyssa Ford (@MissMelyssaFord) Episode

Combat Jack and the RZA connect on the last episode of show. And who do they get to sub in for the vacationing Dallas Penn? Canada’s greatest export, the GOAT of Video Vixens, Ms Melyssa Forde of course. Dopeness. Combat gives you his take below. Hit play and enjoy.

Awww man. What.An.Episode.

Shoalin’s finest and WU Tang Commander In Chief, RZA stopped by the Combat Jack Show to promote his new film The Man With The Iron Fist. RZA was incredible. We talked, 5% Nation of The Gods & Earths, his top 3 books, the origin of man, spirituality, hip hop, Wu-Tang (of course) and lots more. Also filling in for Dallas Penn (sabbatical) was the lovely, beautiful and talented Melyssa Ford. Nonetheless, the thirst was contained (oh how difficult)….Also tempers flared on and off air during the show. Mercury must be in retrograde. Find out who in the crew is on his “Ocho Cinco” and may or may not rock out with us next week at A3C. Le sigh. It.Does.Not.Stop #Newmanati Bong, Bong!